Here are some of my most frequently asked questions.
If you don’t see what you are looking for below then please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.
We do everything we can to abide by the Covid guidelines. We maintain a degree of Social Distancing, Mask-wearing is entirely your choice, I provide Anti-bac wipes and spray for you to wipe down anything you may have borrowed during the class such as mats, balls and bands. I am mainly based on my mat at the front of the class, but if I do spot some alignment issues or anything that may cause harm, I shall first coach through the pointers by talking and if this fails, I’ll ask permission to be hands on to correct hips/spine/shoulders. Please feel free to say NO to this if you feel uncomfortable. Please see my COVID guidelines at the top of the page for more reassurance.
They are £6 per class IN VENUE (£5 Online) and It is up to you. Some people would like to book ahead to confirm their place, whereas others prefer to drop in! I run a selection of drop-in classes (see timetable for Drop-in sessions) and I would advise that you turn up ten mins early for your first ever session in order to have a quick chat with me and to fill out a short health form (if you haven’t already done so online whilst booking) and to grab a space and some equipment if you haven’t got your own. All of my drop-in classes are mixed ability so whether you have been practising pilates for years or attending for the first time, there is something for everyone.
Book online via my website or social media pages and you’ll fill out a short health form as part of the process. Pilates is perfectly safe at any stage of your pre/postnatal period as long as it is a pregnancy or Postnatal Specific class led by someone who is qualified in those areas – which I am! During Pregnancy I ask you to be 12 weeks plus so you are out of that more unpredictable trimester of change and the body can begin to settle into the pregnancy. As for the Postnatal Ladies, this is very dependent on what exercise you have done before and what type of birth/labour you had – As a general rule I like my ladies to be 6 weeks Postnatal from a vaginal birth or 10-12 weeks postnatal for a C-Section or complicated Vaginal birth. This is a general rule as each individual is different, but what I would say is there’s no need to rush back to exercise unless you feel the need to mental health wise, as the body has been through a lot and it’s nice to start off by giving it some healing time.
Please join my Facebook page, Instagram Page and sign up for my monthly newsletter to stay up to date with class times, locations and additions not to mention collect handy hints along the way from my exercise videos, technique pointers as well as the short ‘Homework Friday’ videos I create each week for you. I also have a YouTube Channel which contains many videos to help with common medical conditions, breathing, relaxation, core strengthening and more!
£6 Online Via Zoom. £6.50 In Venue Face to Face. £48 for 6 week Pregnancy/Postnatal Courses. I accept bookings online via my website or cash in venue. I do have one Friday morning class at 7.30am which only runs for 45min and this is £6 both Online and in venue.
Can I pay in advance and book a block of classes?
YES – If you head to my online booking page you simply choose the day and time you’d like to attend and then click the ‘RECUR’ button and tell it how many weeks you’d like to attend for – It’s simple.
Absolutely! It’s a fantastic core strengthening workout to add to EveryBODY’s lifestyle. I welcome men and women in all of my classes (well except for pregnancy ones!!!)
These too are drop in classes so book in using the BOOKING PAGE on my website or social media pages. Choose the class day and time and whether you’d like just that week or to recur the booking for several weeks. You will then be asked to fill out a short health form and make payment. This should take less than a couple of minutes and then you’ll immediately receive the confirmation email with the Zoom class link within it. Click on this link just before your allocated class time and you’re good to go! I usually ‘Open the Session’ 10 min early if you want to come and say Hello! – You’ll be held in a ‘virtual wating room’ if you arrive before me.
They are just that. From beginners to the Pilates-wise. Come along and give it a go as I endeavour to offer something for everyone. Any Age, Any Gender – EveryBODY is welcome!!! You have nothing to lose I promise you!
I usually ask for 24 hours notice as you can then either change/cancel the booking yourself or ask me to do it for you. However I appreciate we are living in slightly more unpredictable times and therefore please just email me if you are feeling unwell and I can see what I can do to either transfer your class to another day or send you the online link to join us from your home.
Don’t panic, just sit tight and I WILL let you in before beginning the class (do double check you have the right date and time though first) – Sometimes The HYBRID classes mean I am saying hello to people who are attending face to face and if someone wants to discuss a recent medical development with me I may take a little longer but I WILL let you in – even if you join part way through the class.
Firstly have you got a little bit of space to put down a mat? or on a carpeted floor a beach towel would do. If you have a small pilates ball or resistance band keep those to hand (don’t worry if not as I always offer options). Make sure you have downloaded ‘Zoom Cloud Meetings’ to your device to make it quicker to set up once you’ve clicked on the meeting link. Make sure your device sound is on and up, it has enough battery life or is plugged in and that you can see me without too much craning of the neck! You can have your camera on or off (‘on’ helps me see you and comment on alignment and positioning). You will be muted during the session to avoid any distractions but you can unmute at any time to talk to me! make sure Zoom has access to your devices Mic and Camera (it will prompt you when you join) so that you can hear me throughout and i can hear you at the start and end. Have some water to hand and occasionally i may ask you to grab other ‘props’ such as a hand towel or small tennis ball or baked bean tins!
Wear anything that you feel comfortable in – tracksuit bottoms, yoga pants, leggings, gym trousers, tee-shirts, vest tops, gym tops. You will be stretching and moving and you will be down on the mat for the majority of the class so make sure you are going to be comfortable in whatever you wear. In the Winter I advise you wear layers if coming to some of the halls as they can be chilly before they warm up. Bring your own mat if you have one (if not I provide some on a first come first served basis – along with sanitiser to wipe them down after use) and bring along a bottle of water and small towel or cushion (for comfort and neck alignment) if you’d like. Alternatively you can simply come as you are – all classes are an hour long.